Compliance with the requirements«AQUALAT» anthracite filter media (TC 2164-001-12148148-2009) comply the requirements of SSS 51641-2000, SSS 51232-98, the current regulatory documents to the grainy downloads of water purification filters and provide the quality of treated water for SanR&N, SanR&N, GN, Gn2.1.5.2280-07, C and Technological standards for water treatment installations of thermal power plants.«AQUALAT» corresponds to the technical requirements of «The list of materials, reagents and small water treatment devices, allowed by the State Committee of Russia in application for drinking-water supply No.01-19/32-11, 23.10.1992 and annex No. 1 to the List No.DK-285-111, 25.12.98 and Code Certificate No. ROSS RU.AИ14.H.01824 of the certification system SSS R of Russian State Standard. |